AUTH48 status page for C463

Cluster Details

AUTH48-DONE status of draft-ietf-netconf-crypto-types-34 (RFC-to-be 9640)

This document is in AUTH48 state as of 2024-08-22. It has not yet been published as an RFC. The RFC Editor is awaiting approvals from the author(s) as shown below (and anyone else listed) before continuing the publication process.

Name Approved? Date of Approval
K. Watsen Y 2024-09-08
AD - Mahesh Jethanandani Y 2024-09-09
IANA Y 2024-09-13

** This document is part of Cluster C463, so may have additional holds before publication.


2024-08-22: questions sent to author. #8 and #10 are for the AD. 2024-08-28: response received. 2024-08-29: updated files sent. 2024-09-05: updated files sent with cluster-wide changes. AD approval requested. 2024-09-09: additional updates received. updated files sent. AD approval requested. 2024-09-10: additional updates received. updated files sent. IANA registry updates requested.

AUTH48-DONE status of draft-ietf-netconf-trust-anchors-28 (RFC-to-be 9641)

This document is in AUTH48 state as of 2024-08-29. It has not yet been published as an RFC. The RFC Editor is awaiting approvals from the author(s) as shown below (and anyone else listed) before continuing the publication process.

Name Approved? Date of Approval
K. Watsen Y 2024-09-12
AD - Mahesh Jethanandani Y 2024-09-10
IANA Y 2024-09-13

** This document is part of Cluster C463, so may have additional holds before publication.


2024-08-29: Questions sent to the authors. 2024-09-03: Response received. 2024-09-04: Updated files sent. 2024-09-06: Additional updates received. Updated files sent. AD approval requested. 2024-09-09: Additional updates received. Updated files sent. AD approval requested. 2024-09-12: Sent updated files w/ cluster-wide updates. 2024-09-13: IANA registry updates requested.

AUTH48-DONE status of draft-ietf-netconf-keystore-35 (RFC-to-be 9642)

This document is in AUTH48 state as of 2024-08-29. It has not yet been published as an RFC. The RFC Editor is awaiting approvals from the author(s) as shown below (and anyone else listed) before continuing the publication process.

Name Approved? Date of Approval
K. Watsen Y 2024-09-12
AD - M. Jethanandani (Sections 5.1 and 5.3) Y 2024-09-11

** This document is part of Cluster C463, so may have additional holds before publication.


2024-08-29: Questions sent to the authors. 2024-09-03: Response received. 2024-09-04: Asked AD to review inclusive language decision. 2024-09-08: Responses received. 2024-09-13: Response received. Asked AD to confirm if any changes are needed to the terms "master" and "traditional" or if these terms are ok as is. 2024-09-17: applied inclusive-language-related changes.

AUTH48 status of draft-ietf-netconf-tcp-client-server-26 (RFC-to-be 9643)

This document is in AUTH48 state as of 2024-08-29. It has not yet been published as an RFC. The RFC Editor is awaiting approvals from the author(s) as shown below (and anyone else listed) before continuing the publication process.

Name Approved? Date of Approval
K. Watsen N  
M. Scharf N  
AD - Mahesh Jethanandani Y 2024-09-15

** This document is part of Cluster C463, so may have additional holds before publication.


2024-08-29: Questions sent to the authors. 2024-09-04: Response received. 2024-09-05: Updated files sent. AD approval requested. 2024-09-09: Additional updates received. Updated files sent. AD approval requested. 2024-09-10: Additional updates received. 2024-09-13: Updated files sent. AD approval requested. 2024-09-16: Kent rescinded approval. Awaiting additional updates. 2024-09-24: Reminder sent. 2024-09-15: Response received. Updated files sent. AD approval requested.

AUTH48-DONE status of draft-ietf-netconf-ssh-client-server-40 (RFC-to-be 9644)

This document is in AUTH48 state as of 2024-08-22. It has not yet been published as an RFC. The RFC Editor is awaiting approvals from the author(s) as shown below (and anyone else listed) before continuing the publication process.

Name Approved? Date of Approval
K. Watsen Y 2024-09-17
AD - Mahesh Jethanandani Y 2024-09-09

** This document is part of Cluster C463, so may have additional holds before publication.


2024-08-22: questions sent to author. questions #10 and #16 are for the AD. 2024-08-22: AD responded w/ question for author. 2024-08-29: reminder sent. response received. 2024-08-30: updated files sent. reminder sent to AD for question #16. 2024-09-04: updated files and follow-up question sent. 2024-09-09: additional updates received. updated files sent. AD approval requested. 2024-09-13: files with cluster-wide updates sent. 2024-09-16: additional updates received. updated files sent.

AUTH48-DONE status of draft-ietf-netconf-tls-client-server-41 (RFC-to-be 9645)

This document is in AUTH48 state as of 2024-08-29. It has not yet been published as an RFC. The RFC Editor is awaiting approvals from the author(s) as shown below (and anyone else listed) before continuing the publication process.

Name Approved? Date of Approval
K. Watsen Y 2024-09-13
AD - M. Jethanandani Y 2024-09-11
IANA Y 2024-09-13

** This document is part of Cluster C463, so may have additional holds before publication.


2024-08-29: Questions sent to the authors. 2024-09-08: Response received. 2024-09-10: Response received. 2024-09-11: Response received. AD approval for Sections 2.1.2, 5, and 6.3 received. 2024-09-13: Asked IANA to update their registries [IANA #1373897]. IANA updates are complete. --------------------- Note for RFC Editor: Companion doc of C463. Normative refs to RFCs-to-be 9640, 9641, and 9642 Informative refs to: * ietf-netconf-http-client-server - RFCYYY3 * ietf-netconf-netconf-client-server - RFCYYY2 * ietf-netconf-restconf-client-server - RFCYYY9 * ietf-netconf-ssh-client-server - RFCYYY5 * ietf-netconf-tcp-client-server - RFCYYY6 * ietf-netconf-tls-client-server* - RFCYYY7

AUTH48-DONE status of draft-ietf-netconf-sztp-csr-14 (RFC-to-be 9646)

This document is in AUTH48 state as of 2024-08-22. It has not yet been published as an RFC. The RFC Editor is awaiting approvals from the author(s) as shown below (and anyone else listed) before continuing the publication process.

Name Approved? Date of Approval
K. Watsen Y 2024-09-08
R. Housley Y 2024-09-05
S. Turner Y 2024-09-09
AD - Mahesh Jethanandani Y 2024-09-03
IANA Y 2024-09-13

** This document is part of Cluster C463, so may have additional holds before publication.


2024-08-22: questions sent to authors. one question for the AD. 2024-08-29: reminder sent. 2024-09-03: responses received. updated files sent. AD approval requested. 2024-09-03: additional updates received. 2024-09-04: updated files sent. 2024-09-05: additional updates received. 2024-09-06: updated files sent. 2024-09-13: files w/ cluster-wide updates sent. IANA registry updates requested.

AUTH48-DONE status of draft-ietf-babel-yang-model-13 (RFC-to-be 9647)

This document is in AUTH48 state as of 2024-08-22. It has not yet been published as an RFC. The RFC Editor is awaiting approvals from the author(s) as shown below (and anyone else listed) before continuing the publication process.

Name Approved? Date of Approval
M. Jethanandani Y 2024-09-04
AD - G. Van de Velde (approved on behalf of B. Stark) Y 2024-09-11
IANA Y 2024-09-13

** This document is part of Cluster C463, so may have additional holds before publication.


2024-08-22: questions sent to authors. Response received. 2024-08-26: response received. 2024-09-03: response received. 2024-09-04: response received. 2024-09-05: AD approval requested on behalf of B. Stark (retired) and for Section 4. 2024-09-11: Sent reminder to AD. Approvals received. Asked IANA to update their registry [IANA #1373570]. 2024-09-13: IANA updates complete. 2024-09-16: Asked an additional question. Response received. ==================== Note for RFC Editor: Companion doc of C463. Has Normative ref to RFC-to-be 9640

AUTH48-DONE status of draft-ietf-tcpm-yang-tcp-09 (RFC-to-be 9648)

This document is in AUTH48 state as of 2024-08-22. It has not yet been published as an RFC. The RFC Editor is awaiting approvals from the author(s) as shown below (and anyone else listed) before continuing the publication process.

Name Approved? Date of Approval
M. Scharf Y 2024-09-07
M. Jethanandani Y 2024-09-09
V. Murgai Y 2024-08-27
AD - Zahed Sarker Y 2024-09-11
IANA Y 2024-09-13

** This document is part of Cluster C463, so may have additional holds before publication.


2024-08-22: questions sent to authors. one question for the AD. 2024-08-22: response received. 2024-08-23: updated files sent. 2024-09-05: follow-up question sent regarding the Security Considerations. 2024-09-06: files updated per response to cluster-wider queries sent. AD approval requested. 2024-09-09: updated files sent. AD approval requested. 2024-09-13: files w/ cluster-wide updates sent. IANA registry updates requested.

Instructions to author(s):

Please see the AUTH48 notification email from the RFC Editor that contains links to the edited files and other information. To send your approval of or changes for a specific document, please Reply All to the message for the given RFC-to-be in question.

If cluster-wide questions were received, please Reply All to that email so each of the relevant parties may partake in the decision process.

See information below for the status of documents within the cluster that are in AUTH48.

When all approvals for a given document have been received, publication will continue once its normative references have completed the AUTH48 process as well. Upon publication of the cluster, this AUTH48 status page will no longer be available.

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