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Status: Reported (1)

RFC 8960, "A YANG Data Model for MPLS Base", December 2020

Source of RFC: mpls (rtg)

Errata ID: 7944
Status: Reported
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Erik Kline
Date Reported: 2024-05-19

Section 2.5 says:

  grouping nhlfe-single-contents {
      "A grouping that describes a single Next Hop Label Forwarding
       Entry (NHLFE) and its associated parameters as described in
       the MPLS architecture.  This grouping is specific to the case
       when a single next hop is associated with the route.";
    uses rt-types:mpls-label-stack;

It should say:

  grouping nhlfe-single-contents {
      "A grouping that describes a single Next Hop Label Forwarding
       Entry (NHLFE) and its associated parameters as described in
       the MPLS architecture.  This grouping is specific to the case
       when a single next hop is associated with the route.";
    <some reference to an mpls-operations-type>
    uses rt-types:mpls-label-stack;


Section 2.2 states that the NHLFE contains the packet's next hop and "[t]he operation to perform on the packet's label stack."

Section 2.5 defines an mpls-operations-type typedef, but then it is never referenced by anything else in the YANG module.

I *think* it should be associated with nhlfe-single-contents, alongside the rt-types:mpls-label-stack used there. My YANG skills are too poor to craft any plausibly correct syntax, though.

Status: Held for Document Update (2)

RFC 8960, "A YANG Data Model for MPLS Base", December 2020

Source of RFC: mpls (rtg)

Errata ID: 7059
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT, PDF, HTML

Reported By: Jan Lindblad
Date Reported: 2022-07-29
Held for Document Update by: James N Guichard
Date Held: 2023-05-31

Section 2.5 says:

        augment "/rt:routing/rt:ribs/rt:rib/rt:routes/rt:route/"
              + "rt:next-hop/rt:next-hop-options/rt:simple-next-hop" {
            "Augments the 'simple-next-hop' case in IP unicast routes.";
          uses nhlfe-single-contents {
            when "/rt:routing/rt:ribs/rt:rib/rt:routes/rt:route"
               + "/mpls:mpls-enabled = 'true'";

It should say:

        augment "/rt:routing/rt:ribs/rt:rib/rt:routes/rt:route/"
              + "rt:next-hop/rt:next-hop-options/rt:simple-next-hop" {
            "Augments the 'simple-next-hop' case in IP unicast routes.";
          uses nhlfe-single-contents {
            when "../../../mpls:mpls-enabled = 'true'";


The original YANG statements make the "uses" statement apply to all rt:rib and all rt:route instances as soon as there is at least one instance that has mpls:mpls-enabled set to true. I suspect this is not the author's intent.

The corrected YANG statements make the "uses" statement only apply to the specific route instances that have mpls:mpls-enabled set to true. There are also other ways to fix this issue.

Errata ID: 7060
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT, PDF, HTML

Reported By: Jan Lindblad
Date Reported: 2022-07-29
Held for Document Update by: James N Guichard
Date Held: 2023-05-31

Section 2.5 says:

  augment "/rt:routing/rt:ribs/rt:rib/rt:routes/rt:route/"
        + "rt:next-hop/rt:next-hop-options/rt:next-hop-list/"
        + "rt:next-hop-list/rt:next-hop" {
      "This leaf augments the 'next-hop-list' case of IP unicast
    uses nhlfe-multiple-contents {
      when "/rt:routing/rt:ribs/rt:rib/rt:routes/rt:route"
         + "/mpls:mpls-enabled = 'true'";

It should say:

  augment "/rt:routing/rt:ribs/rt:rib/rt:routes/rt:route/"
        + "rt:next-hop/rt:next-hop-options/rt:next-hop-list/"
        + "rt:next-hop-list/rt:next-hop" {
      "This leaf augments the 'next-hop-list' case of IP unicast
    uses nhlfe-multiple-contents {
      when "../../../../../mpls:mpls-enabled = 'true'";


The original YANG statements make the "uses" statement apply to all rt:rib and all rt:route instances as soon as there is at least one instance that has mpls:mpls-enabled set to true. I suspect this is not the author's intent.

The corrected YANG statements make the "uses" statement only apply to the specific route instances that have mpls:mpls-enabled set to true. There are also other ways to fix this issue.

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