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Best Current Practice
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47 results ( Show  25 | All )

NumberFilesTitleAuthorsDateMore InfoStatus
RFC 5556ASCII, PDF, HTMLTransparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL): Problem and Applicability StatementJ. Touch, R. PerlmanMay 2009ErrataInformational
RFC 6325ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataRouting Bridges (RBridges): Base Protocol SpecificationR. Perlman, D. Eastlake 3rd, D. Dutt, S. Gai, A. GhanwaniJuly 2011Errata, Updated by RFC 6327, RFC 6439, RFC 7172, RFC 7177, RFC 7357, RFC 7179, RFC 7180, RFC 7455, RFC 7780, RFC 7783, RFC 8139, RFC 8249, RFC 8361, RFC 8377Proposed Standard
RFC 6327ASCII, PDF, HTMLRouting Bridges (RBridges): AdjacencyD. Eastlake 3rd, R. Perlman, A. Ghanwani, D. Dutt, V. ManralJuly 2011Obsoleted by RFC 7177, Updates RFC 6325, Updated by RFC 7180Proposed Standard
RFC 6326ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errataTransparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL) Use of IS-ISD. Eastlake, A. Banerjee, D. Dutt, R. Perlman, A. GhanwaniJuly 2011Errata, Obsoleted by RFC 7176Proposed Standard
RFC 6361ASCII, PDF, HTMLPPP Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL) Protocol Control ProtocolJ. Carlson, D. Eastlake 3rdAugust 2011    Proposed Standard
RFC 6439ASCII, PDF, HTMLRouting Bridges (RBridges): Appointed ForwardersR. Perlman, D. Eastlake, Y. Li, A. Banerjee, F. HuNovember 2011Obsoleted by RFC 8139, Updates RFC 6325, Updated by RFC 7180Proposed Standard
RFC 6847ASCII, PDF, HTMLFibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) over Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL)D. Melman, T. Mizrahi, D. Eastlake 3rdJanuary 2013    Informational
RFC 6905ASCII, PDF, HTMLRequirements for Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) in Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL)T. Senevirathne, D. Bond, S. Aldrin, Y. Li, R. WatveMarch 2013    Informational
RFC 7067ASCII, PDF, HTMLDirectory Assistance Problem and High-Level Design ProposalL. Dunbar, D. Eastlake 3rd, R. Perlman, I. GashinskyNovember 2013    Informational
RFC 7179ASCII, PDF, HTMLTransparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL): Header ExtensionD. Eastlake 3rd, A. Ghanwani, V. Manral, Y. Li, C. BestlerMay 2014Updates RFC 6325, Updated by RFC 7780Proposed Standard
RFC 7180ASCII, PDF, HTMLTransparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL): Clarifications, Corrections, and UpdatesD. Eastlake 3rd, M. Zhang, A. Ghanwani, V. Manral, A. BanerjeeMay 2014Obsoleted by RFC 7780, Updates RFC 6325, RFC 6327, RFC 6439Proposed Standard
RFC 7175ASCII, PDF, HTMLTransparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL): Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) SupportV. Manral, D. Eastlake 3rd, D. Ward, A. BanerjeeMay 2014Updated by RFC 8564Proposed Standard
RFC 7178ASCII, PDF, HTMLTransparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL): RBridge Channel SupportD. Eastlake 3rd, V. Manral, Y. Li, S. Aldrin, D. WardMay 2014Updated by RFC 7978Proposed Standard
RFC 7172ASCII, PDF, HTMLTransparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL): Fine-Grained LabelingD. Eastlake 3rd, M. Zhang, P. Agarwal, R. Perlman, D. DuttMay 2014Updates RFC 6325Proposed Standard
RFC 7174ASCII, PDF, HTMLTransparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL) Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) FrameworkS. Salam, T. Senevirathne, S. Aldrin, D. Eastlake 3rdMay 2014    Informational
RFC 7177ASCII, PDF, HTMLTransparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL): AdjacencyD. Eastlake 3rd, R. Perlman, A. Ghanwani, H. Yang, V. ManralMay 2014Obsoletes RFC 6327, Updates RFC 6325, Updated by RFC 7780, RFC 8139, RFC 8249, RFC 8377, RFC 8564Proposed Standard
RFC 7173ASCII, PDF, HTMLTransparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL) Transport Using PseudowiresL. Yong, D. Eastlake 3rd, S. Aldrin, J. HudsonMay 2014    Proposed Standard
RFC 7176ASCII, PDF, HTMLTransparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL) Use of IS-ISD. Eastlake 3rd, T. Senevirathne, A. Ghanwani, D. Dutt, A. BanerjeeMay 2014Obsoletes RFC 6326Proposed Standard
RFC 7319 a.k.a. BCP 191

ASCII, PDF, HTMLIANA Considerations for Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) Code PointsD. Eastlake 3rdJuly 2014    Best Current Practice
RFC 7357ASCII, PDF, HTMLTransparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL): End Station Address Distribution Information (ESADI) ProtocolH. Zhai, F. Hu, R. Perlman, D. Eastlake 3rd, O. StokesSeptember 2014Updates RFC 6325Proposed Standard
RFC 7379ASCII, PDF, HTMLProblem Statement and Goals for Active-Active Connection at the Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL) EdgeY. Li, W. Hao, R. Perlman, J. Hudson, H. ZhaiOctober 2014    Informational
RFC 7455ASCII, PDF, HTMLTransparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL): Fault ManagementT. Senevirathne, N. Finn, S. Salam, D. Kumar, D. Eastlake 3rd, S. Aldrin, Y. LiMarch 2015Updates RFC 6325Proposed Standard
RFC 7456ASCII, PDF, HTMLLoss and Delay Measurement in Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL)T. Mizrahi, T. Senevirathne, S. Salam, D. Kumar, D. Eastlake 3rdMarch 2015    Proposed Standard
RFC 7781ASCII, PDF, HTMLTransparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL): Pseudo-Nickname for Active-Active AccessH. Zhai, T. Senevirathne, R. Perlman, M. Zhang, Y. LiFebruary 2016    Proposed Standard
RFC 7783ASCII, PDF, HTMLCoordinated Multicast Trees (CMT) for Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL)T. Senevirathne, J. Pathangi, J. HudsonFebruary 2016Updates RFC 6325Proposed Standard