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RFC 8398, "Internationalized Email Addresses in X.509 Certificates", May 2018

Note: This RFC has been obsoleted by RFC 9598

Source of RFC: lamps (sec)

Errata ID: 5418
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Belyavskiy Dmitry
Date Reported: 2018-07-11
Held for Document Update by: Paul Wouters
Date Held: 2024-01-17

Section Appendix B says:

   This non-normative example demonstrates using SmtpUTF8Mailbox as an
   otherName in GeneralName to encode the email address

      The hexadecimal DER encoding of the email address is:
      A022060A 2B060105 05070012 0809A014 0C12E880 81E5B8AB 40657861
      6D706C65 2E636F6D

      The text decoding is:
        0  34: [0] {
        2  10:   OBJECT IDENTIFIER '1 3 6 1 5 5 7 0 18 8 9'
       14  20:   [0] {
       16  18:     UTF8String '..@example.com'
             :     }
             :   }

                                 Figure 2

   The example was encoded on the OSS Nokalva ASN.1 Playground and the
   above text decoding is an output of Peter Gutmann's "dumpasn1"

It should say:

   This non-normative example demonstrates using SmtpUTF8Mailbox as an
   otherName in GeneralName to encode the email address

   The hexadecimal DER encoding of the block is:
   a0330608 2b060105 05070809 a0270c25 c3a5c28c c2bbc3a7 c294c29f 
   40c3a5c2 a4c2a7c3 a5c2adc2 a62e6578 616d706c 652e636f 6d

   The text decoding is:
     2  51: [0] {
     4   8:   OBJECT IDENTIFIER '1 3 6 1 5 5 7 8 9'
    14  39:   [0] {
    16  37:     UTF8String '..@...example.com'
          :     }
          :   }

                                 Figure 2

   The example was encoded on the OSS Nokalva ASN.1 Playground and the
   above text decoding is an output of Peter Gutmann's "dumpasn1"


The OID used in Appendix B does not match the OID for id-on-SmtpUTF8Mailbox defined in "Appendix A. ASN.1 Module" and is not mentioned anywhere in the RFC.

Paul Wouters (AD): Note that it seems different versions of the dumpasn1 tool seem to handle non-ASCII characters in the output differently, so the tool output can slightly vary from the Reporter's corrected output. The OID correction has been verified by my and Russ Housley

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