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RFC 6482, "A Profile for Route Origin Authorizations (ROAs)", February 2012

Note: This RFC has been obsoleted by RFC 9582

Source of RFC: sidr (rtg)

Errata ID: 7079
Status: Rejected
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Job Snijders
Date Reported: 2022-08-10
Rejected by: John Scudder
Date Rejected: 2022-09-06

Section 4 says:

   Before a relying party can use a ROA to validate a routing
   announcement, the relying party MUST first validate the ROA.  To
   validate a ROA, the relying party MUST perform all the validation
   checks specified in [RFC6488] as well as the following additional
   ROA-specific validation step.

   o  The IP address delegation extension [RFC3779] is present in the
      end-entity (EE) certificate (contained within the ROA), and each
      IP address prefix(es) in the ROA is contained within the set of IP
      addresses specified by the EE certificate's IP address delegation

It should say:

   Before a relying party can use a ROA to validate a routing
   announcement, the relying party MUST first validate the ROA.  To
   validate a ROA, the relying party MUST perform all the validation
   checks specified in [RFC6488] as well as the following additional
   ROA-specific validation step.

   o  The IP address delegation extension [RFC3779] is present in the
      end-entity (EE) certificate (contained within the ROA), and each
      IP address prefix(es) in the ROA is contained within the set of IP
      addresses specified by the EE certificate's IP address delegation
   o  The AS Resources extension is not used in Route Origin Authorizations
      and MUST be omitted.


The ROA RFC is a bit under-specified compared to other RPKI Signed Object profile definitions. (For example, RFC 8209 § is less ambiguous on the matter of RFC3779 extensions.)
This is a material (albeit small) change to the spec and doesn't appear to reflect the WG consensus at time of publication. Therefore rejecting, see https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/sidr/A_2jMTLbpgpK1H0G3QsVJ44T-kE/ as well.

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