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RFC 7413, "TCP Fast Open", December 2014

Source of RFC: tcpm (wit)

Errata ID: 8016
Status: Reported
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Bart Overkamp
Date Reported: 2024-07-02

Section 6.3.3. says:

    <...> In fact, power has become such a prominent issue in
   modern Long Term Evolution (LTE) devices that mobile browsers close
   HTTP connections within seconds or even immediately [SOUDERS11].

It should say:

    <...> In fact, power has become such a prominent issue in
   3G mobile devices that mobile browsers close HTTP connections
   within seconds or even immediately [SOUDERS11].


Reading the reference: It mentions 3G exclusively.
3G data networks are circuit-switched so energy consumption on idle connections is an issue.
4G/5G (LTE) networks are packet-switched, and radio energy consumption (active carrier?) might not be an issue. 4G and 5G are not mentioned in the reference.

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