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RFC 5272, "Certificate Management over CMS (CMC)", June 2008

Note: This RFC has been updated by RFC 6402

Source of RFC: pkix (sec)

Errata ID: 8027
Status: Reported
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Carl Wallace
Date Reported: 2024-07-11

Section Appendix B says:

recipientInfos.riid.issuerSerialNumber = <NULL, 201>

It should say:

recipientInfos.riid.issuerSerialNumber = <NULL-DN, 201>


In ASN.1, NULL is a type that is encoded as 0x0500. NULL is not appropriate in this context because the corresponding field is defined as a Name. NULL-DN is defined in RFC4210 as "a zero-length SEQUENCE OF RelativeDistinguishedNames". A NULL-DN is encoded as 0x3000. This is almost certainly what was intended here. Note, RFC4210 is not referenced by RFC5272 currently, so that would need to be changed as well to reference NULL-DN.

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