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RFC 8984, "JSCalendar: A JSON Representation of Calendar Data", July 2021

Source of RFC: calext (art)

Errata ID: 8028
Status: Reported
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT, PDF, HTML

Reported By: Jonathan K Porter
Date Reported: 2024-07-12
Edited by: Orie Steele
Date Edited: 2024-07-12

Section 6.3 says:

     "@type": "Group",
     "uid": "bf0ac22b-4989-4caf-9ebd-54301b4ee51a",
     "updated": "2020-01-15T18:00:00Z",
     "name": "A simple group",
     "entries": [{
       "@type": "Event",
       "uid": "a8df6573-0474-496d-8496-033ad45d7fea",
       "updated": "2020-01-02T18:23:04Z",
       "title": "Some event",
       "start": "2020-01-15T13:00:00",
       "timeZone": "America/New_York",
       "duration": "PT1H"
       "@type": "Task",
       "uid": "2a358cee-6489-4f14-a57f-c104db4dc2f2",
       "updated": "2020-01-09T14:32:01Z",
       "title": "Do something"

It should say:

     "@type": "Group",
     "uid": "bf0ac22b-4989-4caf-9ebd-54301b4ee51a",
     "updated": "2020-01-15T18:00:00Z",
     "title": "A simple group",
     "entries": [{
       "@type": "Event",
       "uid": "a8df6573-0474-496d-8496-033ad45d7fea",
       "updated": "2020-01-02T18:23:04Z",
       "title": "Some event",
       "start": "2020-01-15T13:00:00",
       "timeZone": "America/New_York",
       "duration": "PT1H"
       "@type": "Task",
       "uid": "2a358cee-6489-4f14-a57f-c104db4dc2f2",
       "updated": "2020-01-09T14:32:01Z",
       "title": "Do something"


There is no "name" property specified for a Group. "name" should be "title".
See Section 5.3 of RFC8984.

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