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RFC 8639, "Subscription to YANG Notifications", September 2019

Source of RFC: netconf (ops)

Errata ID: 8073
Status: Reported
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Andy Bierman
Date Reported: 2024-08-11

Section 4 says:

  identity configurable-encoding {
      "If a transport identity derives from this identity, it means
       that it supports configurable encodings.  An example of a
       configurable encoding might be a new identity such as

It should say:

  identity configurable-encoding {
    base transport;
      "If a transport identity derives from this identity, it means
       that it supports configurable encodings.  An example of a
       configurable encoding might be a new identity such as


This identity is incorrectly located in the section 'identities for encodings'
It is actually an identity for the 'transport' leaf.
The base is missing making it incorrect
(page 44)

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